Since Japan and Korea are East Asian cultural sphere influenced by ancient Chinese civilization, Words borrowed from Chinese characters are used so often in both languages. There are some words that have the same or similar pronunciation in both Japanese and Korean, although there are slight differences in accents.
Vocabularies that has the same pronunciation in Japanese and Korean
無理 무리
酸素 산소
温度 온도
治安 치안
詐欺 사기
基準 기준
気分 기분
市民 시민
区分 구분
移民 이민
視野 시야
世論 여론
炭素 탄소
炭酸 탄산
未満 미만
信者 신자
安堵 안도
無視 무시
寄与 기여
難民 난민
基準 기준
難視 난시
示唆 시사
無断 무단
安置 안치
揶揄 야유
基盤 기반
基準値 기준치
詐欺団 사기단
Vocabularies that has almost the same pronunciation in Japanese and Korean
準備 준비
視力 시력
分断 분단
分散 분산
鼓膜 고막
起訴 기소
欺瞞 기만
Some of the above-mentioned words include rather new words created by modern western terms in Japan in the 19th century. In addition, when Japan ruled the Korean Peninsula (1910-1945), some Japanese words flowed directly into Korean.
Korean words that came from Japanese words
たらい 다라이
うどん 우동
勝負 쇼부
満タン 만땅
子分 꼬붕
親分 오야붕
あっさり 아싸리
One of the reasons why it is easier for Japanese and Koreans to learn each other’s languages than to learn other languages is that there are some vocabularies with the same or similar pronunciation as mentioned above.
Although Japanese words has flowed in, there are also Korean slang words which are fixed as completely different meanings. For example,the original meaning of “チラシ” in Japanese is a leaflet, but “찌라시 ”in Korean means bad information. “枠” means a frame in Japanese ,but in Korean it means face.